The Freedom of Feeling Authentic

June 25, 2023 2:38 pm

A phenomenon that exists with some successful, high-achieving people that overshadows their accomplishments is called imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is an internal psychological experience of feeling like a phony or fraud in some aspects of life, despite any success achieved; an inability to credit oneself for the hard work or feel deserving of the success. 

Imposter syndrome plagues otherwise confident, talented, and accomplished leaders with self-doubt, anxiety, self-deprecation, and self-sabotage. Although not classified as a mental health disorder, imposter syndrome is more prevalent than we may think. Fortunately, some experts have delved into the concept of imposter syndrome and are forging paths to help people recognize their authentic selves and accept their accomplishments for what they are. Here, Dr. Laurie Emery outlines steps to support breaking the toxic imposter syndrome cycle:

Excerpt from:
Are You A Fraud or Do You Just Feel Like One?

Although it is not clear why people develop impostor syndrome, it could stem from a personality trait.  It could come from internalized childhood expectations.  It could develop in someone who feels like an outsider to their family, the culture, etc.  Many people who feel like impostors grew up in families that placed a big emphasis on achievement, particularly those who vacillated between over-praise and criticism.  Add societal pressures and we increase the problem.  Self-worth becomes contingent on achieving.

On a positive note, there are some steps to help you identify what you believe to be true about yourself in order to help you get back on track with who you really are:

1. Make a list of 20 things about yourself that you know in your heart to be true. What determines the truth of these characteristics/traits to you?  (Do you just “know”, have you been repeatedly told these truths, or are they a result of self-examination and soul-searching?)  Do you validate these characteristics in the way you live your life and how you treat others?

2. Make a list of 20 things others believe to be true about you, but which you know are not accurate. Why have these truths been reinforced? How do you create a correction with those things that you feel don’t accurately fit you?

3. Who were you as a child? Do you recognize the expression of the child in yourself as an adult? When you were young, what were the things that you were recognized for most often?

4. Do you feel successful in relationships? Do you feel you can be yourself in your relationships with significant others, friends, and family? Do you fear expressing your needs and desires? Do you worry that your feelings, behavior, and actions are truly understood and appreciated? Do you feel frustrated that your relationships don’t seem to work out time and again? Do you worry that significant others will find out who you really are and criticize, judge, and reject you?

5. For your professional life, where are you now? Are you doing what you really want to be doing? What are the special traits and skills unique to you that your current work allows you to utilize or express? What are the skills and talents that your current career does not allow you to utilize or express? What career do you wish you had pursued? What got in the way of you pursuing what you really wanted?

6. In your early upbringing, were personal expression and creativity recognized, encouraged, and rewarded, or discouraged and even negated? How did you express yourself creatively as a child?  Did that expression find its way into your adult life? If not, why? Do you believe that there is some creative aspect of yourself that you have never pursued or expressed? If so, why haven’t you.


  • Observe your thoughts and question whether they are helpful
  • Reframe how you respond to criticism.
  • Ask for help when you need it
  • Talk about your feelings with others
  • Connect with a mentor or coach
  • Seek out resilience training
  • Consider individual coaching to work on these issues.

Ignite Your Life was developed by Dr. Laurie Emery to create real, long-lasting, and transformational change in the lives of people looking to reach a whole new level in life. If you want to achieve new heights in business, spirituality, relationships, or any area of your life, these programs are for you. Call today to begin your journey — 561-239-1614, or join our Facebook community here.