Loving Yourself Enough
According to the Self-Love Recovery Institute, Codependency or Self-Love Deficit Disorder (SLDD) is a problem of distribution of love, respect, and caring within close relationships, romantic or otherwise. Codependents give the majority of love, respect, and care — hoping for reciprocation. All codependents believe their narcissistic partner will realize their mistakes and finally return the […]
August 1, 2023
Being Present Is A Gift
There are more distractions today than ever, and maintaining strong ties with things that genuinely matter — like relationships — can be even more challenging than before. Mobile technology means our connection to work, social media, friends, news, and endless internet diversions is absolute. And these are relatively frivolous distractions compared to something more substantial […]
July 2, 2023
The Freedom of Feeling Authentic
A phenomenon that exists with some successful, high-achieving people that overshadows their accomplishments is called imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is an internal psychological experience of feeling like a phony or fraud in some aspects of life, despite any success achieved; an inability to credit oneself for the hard work or feel deserving of the success. […]
June 25, 2023